Background of ANRSEB

Education facilities

Educational Service Type Quantity
Kindergarten Schools 8890
Primer school 9083
Secondary school 593
Teacher Colleges 10

Pre-primary/ Kindergarten/ Education Program

Kindergarten or pre-primary Schools lay the foundation for the social, emotional and cognitive development of the child and prepares children of ages 4-6 years for the primary education program. The program is mostly run by non-government organizations (communities, private institutions, religions organizations, etc.). The Education Bureau is responsible for developing. curriculum, facilitating the training of teachers and providing supervision and support.

 Special Needs Education Program

Special Needs Education Program is designed for those children and youth requiring, for many different reasons, a special type of education depending on their needs and ability so as to ensure their rights- the right to education, the right to equal opportunities and the right to participate in social activities are fully met.

        Primary Education

The primary Education program is of eight years duration and it is primarily designed for children in the 7—14 years age group and offers basic and general primary education to prepare them for further general education and training. The Program mainly focused in increasing access and improving quality and internal efficiency of the system.

It is divided into two cycles:-

Grade 1-4 (First cycle of primary education): At this level basic education (reading, writing, expressing ideas orally, numeracy, environmental education, etc.) is provided.

Grade 5-8 (Second cycle of primary, education program): In this cycle basic education and general education that prepare students to general secondary school and training is given.

 Secondary Education

The secondary education program comprises two cycles i.e. the first cycle (9-10) where general education will be completed and the second cycle (11-12) in which students choose subjects or areas of training that will prepare them adequately for higher education and for the world of work. The program mainly concentrates on improving the quality of education and increasing access.

Teachers college

Under Amhara National Regional State Education Bureau, there are ten Teachers Education Colleges. These are Debre Birhan, Gondar, Dessie, Debre Markos, Woldya ,DebreTabore,enjibara, sekota, Kemise and fenoteselam Among these the first four colleges are previously established and they are still functionally train teachers both in the pre-service and in-service programs while, the other six are newly established colleges and they are functionally train teachers both in the pre-service and in-service programs .The main objective to the establishment of these colleges is to provide competent teachers, head teachers and supervisors for the primary schools in the pre-service and in-service programs on the basis of the identified need of the Region